An open approach to talent and vacancies
We help companies grow by presenting candidates who match your vacancies. We pull out all the stops to achieve this. And we do it according to the principles of open-minded hiring: with an inclusive and unbiased approach, we select candidates on the basis of the skills and qualities that will grow your company.
Seeing more than just what’s on the CV
At Accent, we experience every day how exciting the move to a new job is for candidates. At the same time, we see how decisive a shortage of candidates is for the growth of companies. Every individual has a wide range of talents and skills within them. Our task is to see the unique assets. That’s why we look beyond a CV or first impression.
Matching competences and corporate culture
The same goes for your vacancies too. We go further than standard vacancy intakes. We present the best candidates to you by getting to know your company, the jobs and your teams. By experiencing the atmosphere in your workplace and feeling the culture. By combining our digital tools with the human touch.
At your service
Openness and trust form the basis of our cooperation. Together, we decide the way we select our candidates. Depending on the profiles you’re looking for, the timing and the type of screening needed, we make use of the following services:
Presentation via a clear and transparent CV
We select candidates for you who have the skills and qualities that support your company in achieving your growth objectives, with a strong focus on motivation and ambition.
Open selection events
With this formula, we immediately schedule the candidate for an interview with the hiring manager during a fixed time block. Accent pre-screens candidates based on the selection criteria that are crucial to your jobs and organisation. You meet the candidate in person and you have the CV to form an overall picture of the candidate’s qualities. Advantage: speed and efficiency in the selection process.
Job dagy
Do you have multiple vacancies for one or more positions? Then a job day is an excellent way to go. With this formula, we encourage as many candidates as possible to apply. Advantage: candidates immediately get to know your company, their potential direct managers and the future colleagues they might have. Meaning that you’ll win them over more quickly.
Blindfolded job day
At the blindfolded job days, recruiters and candidates meet each other while wearing a blindfold for the first 5 minutes. This takes both of them out of their comfort zone. Perfect for a first impression with an open mind and a great way to break the ice. After 5 minutes, both parties take off their blindfolds and continue the conversation. A formula that produces amazing results.
Practical test
Candidates are immediately scheduled for a practical on-the-job test after a thorough screening at Accent. This gives you an instant view of the candidate’s practical qualities. It also gives the candidate a sense very quickly of whether the job and working environment meet expectations. Advantage: you let practical skills do the talking right away.
Candidate accompaniment on job interviews
Ideally, we accompany our candidates on job interviews. By attending in person, we learn even more about your company culture and the job. If the interview goes well, we can make concrete arrangements there and then relating to pay and starting the job. For example you can choose the flexibility of temporary agency workers or opt for a direct hire.
Minimum administration
Convinced? Then we will arrange everything for a smooth start. As a user of temporary agency work, you’re in charge and will supervise the employee and be responsible for welcoming and training the employee and ensuring their safety in the workplace. Together, we sign a workstation sheet when the employee starts that clearly defines these responsibilities.
After that, the administrative formalities are limited to passing on and confirming the performance of your new employee. You can do this via the e-connect platform. In addition, we will be happy to assist you with advice on topics such as recruitment, HR, social legislation or safety. We can do this before, while and after your new employee starts work.
We evaluate and adjust
Our task isn’t done after the contract’s signed. We find it important to know how the employment is going. We do this with regular evolution and evaluation interviews.
We organise five set occasions to discuss developments with your new employee: a phone call after the first working day, upon receipt of the first payslip, after one month, etc. This allows us to make adjustments where necessary. It’s a way to increase retention significantly.
We also organise our collaboration twice a year. We go for honest feedback in both directions. This helps us to do better every time in the future.

Think you’d like to partner with us?
If so, we would be happy to come by to get acquainted. Feel free to tell us what type of employee(s) you are looking for. Then we will put you in touch with the right people.