If you are looking for a job in the food sector, there are a few things you should remember. Things that can be of vital importance, especially in this sector.
Food and Hygiene: 7 tips
19-10-2017In addition to the fact that you must not arrive late for an interview and must always be well-prepared there are a number of other important things to note. Certainly if you are applying for a job in which you will come into contact with food. Because, let's be honest, hygiene is important.
That's why Accent is giving you these seven interview tips:
- Make sure your accessories aren't too obvious. For example, in a supermarket they can easily get hooked on something, which could endanger your safety and that of your colleagues and customers. You can, of course, wear small earrings or a subtle necklace, but remember that you often have to remove these when you are actually at work.
- Clean and tidy hands are very important. Look after your nails and wash your hands regularly so that they stay clean. If you can't wash them just before your interview, make sure you take a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you, to kill all bacteria immediately.
- Looking after your nails does not mean gel nails (for women). In most cases, this is not allowed on the work floor, for example in supermarkets, butcher's etc. So the message is: natural but well-cared-for, beautifully trimmed nails.
- Good oral hygiene is of vital importance. Ensure you clean your teeth before the interview and take a mint with you. Hello fresh breath! That will prevent unpleasant-smelling breath and help you to feel fresh.
- And remember, in warmer weather we all sweat a bit more. This can sometimes cause unpleasant odours. Make sure you always carry deodorant to get rid of any sweaty odours.
- Long hair is beautiful but it needs to be looked after. Make sure your hair is freshly washed. In the food sector, it's best to wear your hair in a ponytail, because you have to admit, it's never nice to find a hair in your vegetables or fresh meat.
- Clothing is also important. Wear easy clothing in which you feel comfortable. This does not mean that you should turn up to an interview in your trainers. Make sure you always come across professionally and that this is in keeping with the shop's company culture.
In short: for an interview in the food sector, always make sure your personal hygiene is at its best and that your clothes are clean and ironed.