Open-minded hiring: applying with an anonymous CV

Open-minded hiring

At Accent, we have a mission: to make your job and the entire job market better, with equal opportunities for all. Too often, candidates still miss out on a job interview due to the unconscious biases of recruiters. We are addressing that, with open-minded hiring. We have made the decision to opt, from now on, for anonymous CVs so that the focus is entirely on your qualities. No name, no age, no discrimination.

What is open-minded hiring? 

With open-minded hiring, employers meet potential new employees with no or only limited prior knowledge of their personal information. This can happen in two ways:   

  • Through an anonymous CV. This is an initial, easy introduction to open-minded hiring. We leave out the personal details on an anonymous CV, but we do share all the objective data on competencies and experience. Why this approach? Data such as age, name or place of residence can already trigger unconscious biases while saying nothing about someone’s qualities. 
  • Through open selection events. With this approach, companies and candidates meet each other without companies receiving a CV in advance. During the open selection events, you as a candidate can be interviewed straightaway. This gives you an immediate opportunity to say who you are and what your experience is and to convince the company of your motivation there and then. We apply open selection events only for employers who request them.

Frequently asked questions about open-minded hiring

On 1 February 2023, we launched open-minded hiring as the new way of working in our organisation. On this page you will find answers to the questions we are asked most often.

Want to experience the benefits of open-minded hiring yourself?

Check out our vacancies, apply today and discover them for yourself.
